Monday, April 6, 2009

Visionex/Active Calcium Plus

Active Calcium Plus

Kandungan : 112 TABLETS
Preskripsi : 2 tablet 2 kali sehari ( pagi / malam )
Kod Produk :

Kenapa Active Calcium Plus ?
1- ACTIVE CALCIUM PLUS dihasilkan secara teliti dan ujian klinikal membutikan ianya mampu mampu membina tulang secara optima.
2- Mengandungi kalsium, magnesium, silikon & vitamin D utk memenuhi keperluan zat
Badan manusia mengandungi 3 paun kalsium & 99% terdapat dalam tulang
3- Kalsium mampu mengurungkan risiko osteoporosis & baik unutk kesihatan tulang
4- Magnesium sejenis mineral asas yg membentuk 0.05% berat badan & komponen penting
5- Untuk membina tulang
6- Vitamin D juga mineral penting untuk membina tulang.


What is Zeaxanthin?

Zeaxanthin belongs to a class of antioxidant compounds called carotenoids. In the eye, lutein is the predominant carotenoid located in the periphery of the macula, while the concentration of zeaxanthin is greatest in the center. This is where conditions most favor the formation of free radicals and where zeaxanthin is thought to be an even more powerful antioxidant than lutein. Both lutein and zeaxanthin are important in maintaining eye health. In their capacity as pigments, lutein and zeaxanthin screen out high-energy blue light and help protect underlying tissues from photo-induced damage. They are also antioxidants, and help protect the macula from damage due to oxidative stress. Both functions are thought to reduce the risk of age-related eye disease.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are found together in many food sources. Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, are the primary source of lutein and zeaxanthin. Lesser amounts are available in other colorful fruits and vegetables, such as broccoli, orange peppers, corn, peas, persimmons and tangerines.

Kandungan : 56 TABLETS
Preskripsi :1 tablet sehari(pagi)
Kod Produk :

Kenapa Visionex?
1- Mengandungi lutein - antioksidan berguna utuk mengurangkan radikal bebas berbahaya yang membantu meningkatkan kseihatan mata
2- Mengandungi vitamin C yang memberikan perlindungan antioksidan tambahan
3- Mengandungi Zink juga sebagai antioksidan yang diperlukan untuk memelihara tulang & memeprtahankan fungsi imun & memelihara daya pengelihatan yang baik

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