“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Discover. Dream,” said American humorist and writer Mark Twain. This isn’t a problem for 2-Star Diamond Directors Bryan and Layda Morris, who have created a thriving business by exploring their options, discovering new avenues, and most importantly of all, never giving up on their dreams.
“We’re in the business of finding people who have dreams and helping them find those dreams,” Bryan says. “We’re helping people improve their lives. They either don’t have the time, health, or money to do what they want. Most people aren’t in control of their lives. My ideal situation is to find people who are serious about changing their lives, and then we help them find a solution to their problems through USANA. I always ask, ‘How can USANA fit into your life? Can it help and benefit you?’”
From the porch of their over 3,000-square-foot Mediterranean-style dream home in thriving North Central San Antonio, Texas, Bryan and Layda look out at their gated neighborhood and the freshly manicured golf course across the street. They marvel at how their lives are built on dreams—the dreams they set for themselves, and the dreams they have helped so many members of their team fulfill. But life for this extraordinary pair wasn’t always so picturesque.
Before Bryan and Layda knew anything about USANA, they were strangers living in different countries, yet both were looking for an opportunity to improve their situation. Layda remembers being convinced that she should leave her home in Mérida, Mexico for the United States. “It wasn’t something I wanted to do at the beginning, but there was something inside of me begging me to go,” Layda says.
She felt something was waiting for her there, something she could take home to her family and friends. Layda had earned a degree at a Mexico university and was spending an inordinate amount of time building her career. “I was a slave to my job, and I was always so worried about what would happen if I were to lose it,” Layda says. “I became frustrated because I thought this was my only option in life, and that I would never have the freedom to do what I really wanted.”
Layda soon took the leap of faith to move to the United States and put all of her heart and trust in God. It was soon thereafter that she was introduced to USANA, and she quickly realized this was the answer to her prayers. “People told me that I was crazy, but I learned to listen to my internal voice,” Layda says. “Look where it has led me.”
At the same time, Bryan was on his own journey in San Antonio. He had always worked hard enough, long enough, and smart enough to rise to the top of everything he’d ever done. Despite his success, though, Bryan was looking for something more. “I had been in the car business for five or six years and was just miserable,” he says. “I was one of the biggest used car dealers in the area, but I felt there was just no future in that type of business.”
Though Bryan owned many of the prized possessions people in America dream of having, like luxury homes, sport cars, and more, none of his professional opportunities allowed Bryan the freedom to relax or take time off for any significant amount of time. He found that he was married to his businesses.
Bryan also understood the power of leveraging his efforts with the efforts of others working for him, but problems with employees and huge overhead were commonplace, leaving him unable to truly enjoy any time freedom.
Then, the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, sent shockwaves through businesses across America, especially the auto business. People had seen their retirement accounts dwindle and, as a result, Bryan’s business was devastated. Having lost everything he owned, including his car, he was forced to stay on friends’ couches. He spent this time looking for the opportunity to finally achieve his dreams of financial security and time freedom.
Bryan had always been intrigued by the network marketing industry and had tried working for several MLM companies. “I found that I really liked network marketing and I felt that I could really go far in this business.” Bryan says. “The problem was that I was young and the timing just wasn’t right. Timing is extremely important in this business.”
One day in February 2003, Bryan ran into an old friend who he had trained in sales 11 years earlier. His name was Bryan Penrod, and he drove up in a brand new Cadillac Escalade. Bryan immediately asked his old friend what he was doing to have achieved such obvious success. When Penrod told him that he had achieved the rank of Diamond Director in the USANA opportunity, that was all it took for Bryan to begin his quest.
Penrod recalls the time and luck it took to find Bryan and bring him into the business: “The week I enrolled as an independent USANA Associate, Bryan Morris was one of the first people I had on my names list, but I couldn’t find his phone number. Six years before I became involved with USANA, Bryan recruited me out of a restaurant to come work for him in a marketing position. I learned a lot from his skills at an early age, but I was so ‘green’ I didn’t make much money. Six years later I found USANA. After I had become a Diamond Director, which was nearly four years into building my own business, the day of fate came when Bryan and I finally crossed paths again. From the second we met again, I had this remarkable intuition and just knew that he was going to be a huge leader in my organization.”
From day one, Penrod felt that Bryan was the most teachable and committed person he had ever met. In his first week he went Silver, four weeks after that he became a Gold Director. He then went Ruby in six months, Emerald in a year and a half, Diamond in two and a half years, and just recently reached 2-Star Diamond. “Bryan and Layda have built rock-solid belief in countless other USANA Associates internationally and have become tremendous assets to the company,” Penrod says.
Bryan’s passion for the business and hard work to familiarize himself with the company helped him set a pace never before seen in USANA. He achieved the fastest advancement to Gold Director in the company’s history and also received the “Peak Performer Award” for the United States in 2003. Little did he know that USANA would not only bring him success, it would also introduce him to someone with whom he could enjoy that success.
Having individually signed up to build USANA businesses, Bryan and Layda finally crossed paths for the first time, and it didn’t take them long to decide they were meant for each other. “After meeting a woman and signing her up on the spot, I started promoting the Mexico market, and she introduced me to www.usana.com 17 this young woman with an amazing attitude and entrepreneurial spirit,” Bryan says, adding with a laugh, “She was also very, very cute.” Building a thriving relationship along with their thriving businesses seemed like second nature, and the couple were married a short while later in April 2004.
Today, Layda and Bryan work together to spread the message of USANA to others. “Our big goals are to empower more and more people and to be Gold- and Rubyproducing machines,” Bryan says. “So many people ask us what we do. They see us out and about, and people know we have something awesome going on in our lives. Layda and I feel we truly have a gift for people when we offer them USANA.”
“My ‘why’ is to find people who have big dreams and goals and help them achieve those goals through USANA.” Brian says. “It isn’t about money. It is about how we feel when we help another person find that freedom.”
USANA gives this couple another type of freedom that they both enjoy—the ability to travel and build their business from anywhere. “You can go anyplace and work this business,” Bryan explains. “You can achieve success with USANA all over the world.”
This is an added perk for Layda, who loves to travel and wants to see the world. “I now have more time to enjoy my life. I have time to travel, shop, study English, and see friends when they visit me in the U.S.,” Layda says.
Living a life they never dreamed of, the couple is now able to indulge in many of their hobbies. The two can spend ample time with Tiger Shrimp, their 2-year-old South African Mastiff (boerbel). Bryan and Layda can also indulge their love of cars with a new Mercedes CLS 500, a new Dodge 4-door Diesel 4x4, and a 2007 Cadillac Escalade that Bryan bought Layda for her birthday. Bryan’s favorite pastime, though, is spending time on his 36-foot Baja Outlaw cigarette boat with twin 500 engines. “Ever since my childhood I have loved the water,” he says. “It is my source of inspiration. That is what I love about San Antonio—we are just 30 minutes from freshwater lakes and two-and-a-half hours from the Texas coast.”
The couple also recently became investors in a multi-million dollar real estate development in the Hill Country. “It’s hard to believe we have these opportunities,” Bryan says. “I look back to when I became a USANA Associate, and I didn’t even have a car. We now have peace of mind financially with time and health freedom. We can do anything we set our minds to.”
“USANA has taught us that we can get everything we want,” Layda adds. “We have discovered the inner power that human beings have, and we know that we have the option to choose the kind of life we want to live.”
Bryan and Layda are now setting out to build a worldwide dynasty of leaders all over the United States and the world. Layda is especially excited at their amazing growth in Mexico. “It is where I am from, and I absolutely love it,” Layda says. “Our business is really beginning to sky rocket down there.”
Having reached such amazing heights in their business, Bryan and Layda know they would never have been able to do it without the help of the team. Our group is not only our downline, but they are our close friends, and we can count on any of them for anything, even outside of USANA,” Bryan says. “USANA Associates are a group of positive people that want health, financial, and time freedom. Our group wants to get better and raise the bar at everything they do in life.”
Whether it comes to building their business, traveling with their friends, or enjoying their hard-earned time freedom, Bryan and Layda are living the life they have always dreamed of. They are eager to throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in their sails. They plan to never stop exploring, discovering, and, most importantly, dreaming.
Matt & Shanna Ryan

One of my favorite things about working as a writer for USANA is meeting and getting to know our Associates. Through USANA, I have been able to connect and become friends with people I never would have met otherwise. While getting to know our Associates, it’s always a thrill to piece together their story and discover the quirks and interesting bits of trivia that make each one unique. And believe me when I tell you 1-Star Diamond Directors and Fortune 25 members Matt and Shanna Ryan are a gold mine! “Some of our answers will be pretty silly,” Shanna warns before our interview. “But we’re pretty silly!” I rub my hands in anticipation and dive in.

Apa perbezaanya diantara mereka yang berjaya dengan mereka yang gagal ?Adakah mereka yang berjaya mempunyai kelebihan tertentu ?Kajian menunjukkan FOKUS merupakan aspek penting dalam melakukan sesuatu perkara.Dr Fadzillah Kamsah didalam CD beliau "Usahawan Cemerlang" mengatakan sekiranya kita mampu untuk fokus pada setiap hari maka kita akan mampu untuk fokus setiap minggu dan sekiranya kita mampu fokus pada setiap minggu kita akan mampu fokus pada setiap bulan dan seterusnya.FOKUS...FOKUS..FOKUS
Tetapi sayangnya tidak ramai diantara kita yang melihat FOKUS sebagai aspek penting dalam menentukan kejayaan seseorang.Seorang leader di dalam industri MLM ada mengatakan untuk sentiasa fokus kita harus menyediakan "Top 5 Things to Start with Everyday" bermula dengan perkara yang paling malas untuk kita lakukan dan memastikan kita melakukannya setiap hari.
1.Follow Up dengan prospek
2.Menghubungi key leaders didalam organisasi anda melalui email atau telefon
3.Membuat temujanji dengan prospek baru / membantu downline anda
5.Membaca - sekurang-kuranya 1 jam sehariFocus + Action = Result
Jumpa anda semua dipuncak kejayaan
Bryan is an ass
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