Nutrien asas USANA adalah ESSENTIALS? - Nutrian terbaik yang diperlukan oleh semua manusia setiap hari. ESSENTIALS? dihasilkan untuk memastikan setiap sel manusia mendapat nutrien yang optima dan seterusnya memastikan proses pembentukkan sel-sel baru berada pada tahap optima.
Set ESSENTIALS? untuk dewasa mengandungi kombinasi 2 produk yang dipakejkan menjadi satu:
AO Pro ? vitamin berfomula lengkap dan ?high-potency?, anti-oksida dan lain-lain nutrient penting yang diperlukan oleh orang dewasa setiap hari yang memastikan ?cellular metabolism? yang lebih cekap dan bertindak balas keatas kerosakkan yang disebabkan oleh radikal asing.
CHELATED MINERAL ? Berfungsi sebagai melawan kerosakan yang dibawa oleh radikal bebas dengan jumlah mineral penting yang seimbang. CHELATED MINERAL membekalkan mineral yang penting untuk pemeliharan fungsi metabolisme dan sistem imun yang optima. Kombinasi AO Pro dan CHELATED MINERAL menghasilkan NUTRIEN ASAS yang lengkap untuk setiap orang dewasa.

What is Omega 3 Fatty Acids ?
Fatty acids are long chain carbon compounds that have a non-polar carbon tail, and a polar head. Our bodies can produce most fatty acids from the carbohydrates that we eat. However, there are two fatty acids, called essential fatty acids, that we cannot produce and must be obtained from dietary sources. These two acids are Linoleic Acid (LA) an omega-6 fatty acid, and a -linolenic acid (LNA) an omega-3 fatty acid.
LNA is the starting material for the biosynthesis of eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA), two important polyunsaturated fatty acids. LNA,
EPA and DHA are the main members of the omega-3 family of fatty acids. The essential fatty acids are also converted in our bodies into two important classes of eicosanoids, leukotrienes and prostaglandins. These later compounds are hormone-like substances that influence a huge number of metabolic processes. EPA is the precursor for the series-3 prostaglandins, which support healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels (providing they are normal to begin with), healthy kidney function, inflammatory response, and healthy immune function. Several prospective cohort studies have found an inverse association between fish consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease. Other studies have shown omega-3 fatty acids, in the form of fish oil supplements, to be effective in supporting healthy joints.
Docosahexanoic acid (DHA) and the omega-6 fatty acid, arachidonic acid, are the dominant fats in the nerve cells of fetal and infant brains. Some health authorities have even recommended fortifying commercially prepared infant formulas with DHA to support health and nervous system development. DHA is also an important structural component of the retina and is therefore essential for eye development and growth.
Kandungan : 120 KAPSUL
Preskripsi : 1 KAPSUL ( pagi )
Kod Produk :
Kenapa BIOmega ?
1- BIOmega dihasilkan dari ‘cold water deep sea fish’ yang bebas dari pencemaran organic dan metals
2- Mengandungi 2 unsur penting iaitu EPA & DHA
3- DHA & EPA memastikan kesihatan kadiovaskular
4- EPA - menstabilakn tekanan darah & mengawal kolestrol
5- DHA - pentingkkan dlm pembentkan struktur retina (pembentukkan & kembangunan mata)
6- Diet terbaik untuk memastikan kesihatan jantung berada pada tahap optima
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